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Medicine Horse Yoga & Reiki

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.

- Rumi

I'd like to extend the invitation after all classes for students to stay for tea and to answer questions or to use the space for personal reflection and/or meditation. My vision is not to just create a yoga studio but a retreat space, a healing place, to share and grow in our journey together. 🕉 Namaste


Please visit the Facebook page for our seasonal retreat schedule or to schedule a private event! 


Our studio classes are open to all levels

Please message or text me to confirm you space,

class size is limited.

Winter Schedule


Wednesdays and Fridays: 

9:00 am  
Tuesdays and Thursdays: 

7:00 pm 

Drop-in fee - $10/class


Yoga with the herd of horses is held in the arena on Thursdays,

April through October and weather permitting.

Please RSVP for these classes due to set up required. Min 3 students.

Yoga with the herd - $25/session


Unlimited monthly studio pass (excluding yoga with the herd) - $125

Private yoga class by appointment - $60 per hour


Reiki sessions (for people or animals) also offered by appointment - $75/session

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